Happy New Year
from Spiderkites to all friends of kite flying - and to everyone else too, of course. We would like to thank you for a great kite year and look forward to the year ahead. In an increasingly turbulent world with all its challenges, which make us feel insecure and anxious, we hope for a few peaceful moments of sun, wind and serenity for you and for us.
We have again prepared some great new products for you for 2025. New and updated kites are waiting for you: from Robert Brasington, Carsten Domann and many others.
The first outdoor events will soon be kicking off the season again, e.g:
the Dornumersiel kite festival at the beginning of May and
the Norddeich kite festival at the end of May
Make a red mark in your calendar!
If you can't wait: our stores in Norddeich, Cuxhaven and Sankt Peter Ording will open again at Easter. That's also when we'll be publishing a new edition of the ever-popular Magalog!
We look forward to seeing you!
Until then, get through the winter safely.
Christoph Fokken
and the entire Spiderkites Team
The art of flying is to throwing yourself to the ground and missing it. It is not known for certain whether Douglas Adams knew about speed kites. But he came very close to the truth.