Unlike all-round kites or trick kites, speed kites have a rather flat airfoil, otherwise they would not be fast. The disadvantage is that when launching, the kite often does not pick up speed immediately, but turns to the side instead of flying directly to the upper edge of the wind window. A few rules help to master this challenge.
- A bold start impulse ensures that the kite quickly gains height. Pull the flying lines through with a strong arm movement and at the same time take a few steps back to assist the kite's take-off.
- If the kite turns sideways, it is not advisable to counter steer. Instead, the turn should be flown to bring the kite up as safely as possible. Example: If the kite turns to the left, this motion is absorbed by a steering impulse to the left. The kite will now fly into a loop, first downwards and then - on the right-hand side of the wind window - upwards. This avoids sudden corrections and the kite regularly picks up speed as it moves upwards.
- Choosing the right flying line helps a great deal, as an over-dimensioned flying line will make launching much more difficult due to the increased weight.
- If a launch attempt does go wrong and the kite spins uncontrollably towards the ground, you should let go of the handles: If the flying line is not taut at the moment of ground contact, material damage is usually avoided.
The good news is that the best speed kites from Spiderkites, such as the Uro series, are challenging but not frustrating to launch. With a little practice, the launching procedure quickly becomes second nature and nothing stands in the way of the rush of speed!
Oliver Germing